Top 10 Coolest Action & Adventure Video Games

There are many thrilling experiences when it comes to top adventure games. There’s no shortage of experience to have on all platforms, from venturing across vast planets to traveling through amazing stories and diving into action-packed missions. No matter what platform you choose to play on, whether it’s PC or console, we’ve selected a wide range of action & adventure video games so you can find something to keep you busy. This collection includes a wide range of action & adventure video games all embodying the spirit of adventure, many featuring likable and recognizable characters.

So join us as we guide you through the top adventure games available right now.

The Best Action & Adventure Video Games

God Of War (2018)

God Of War (2018)

God of War, one of the best action & adventure video games of all time, reminds us of Kratos’ long-forgotten ferocity. Having traveled through the worlds of Norse mythology with his son Atreus, Kratos was certainly a little more relaxed this time around. Kratos tries to be a good father to Atreus, but he soon realizes that sometimes violence is the only option.

Santa Monica replaced the Leviathan Ax for Kratos’ distinctive Blades of Chaos compared to previous games in the series. The game also includes a lot of RPG elements, like combat upgrades that can change the way players play. Santa Monica’s God of War has been hailed and honored, and its sequel, Ragnarok, is slated for release in 2022.

The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild offers an experience we’ve never had before and is considered by some to be not only the best game in the Zelda series, but the best game ever made. You can play any way you choose in this authentic open-world Zelda game.

The video game industry has praised Breath of the Wild, hailing it as a huge achievement and turning point for action & adventure video games. There are advantages to exploring Hyrule, such as turning on towers to allow quick travel to different locations on the map and destroying shrines that grant Link Spirit Orbs to boost health and stamina. his container. The definition of adventure is being able to lose yourself quickly, and Breath of the Wild offers a huge universe where you can do just that.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the biggest surprise action & adventure video games of the year. Aloy, a teenage hunter struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with cyborg dinosaurs, was an instant fan favorite when she first appeared in the original storyline. . After Killzone 3, Horizon Zero Dawn is the studio’s debut game.

Overall, reviews of Horizon Zero Dawn are favorable due to its lovely open world and engaging story. The Frozen Wilds and Horizon Forbidden West expansions, due out in early 2022, are both made possible by the success of Horizon Zero Dawn.

Marvel’s Spider-Man/Miles Morales

Marvel's Spider-Man/Miles Morales

Spider-Man, arguably the best superhero ever created, has always been a symbol of optimism and encouraged ethical action. Many fans have long been fascinated by the story of Peter Parker gaining the incredible power and great responsibility that comes with it. Spider-Man faces many villains on an incredible journey from Insomniac, including Wilson Fisk, Mister Negative, and Otto Octavius. Insomniac’s first game saw Peter adopt young Miles Morales and guide him through Spider-Man’s training.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales serves as a semi-sequel with Miles defending the city while Peter goes on vacation, despite the expectations of many fans that Miles will receive his own standalone sequel. Since it takes place in the same environment as the original game, you’ll be familiar with the people and settings. Both titles are the ultimate action & adventure video games for lovers of superheroes and action adventure games alike.

Shadow Of The Colossus

Shadow Of The Colossus

It would be difficult to find a list of the top action & adventure video games without Shadow of the Colossus. Shadow of the Colossus, known as the “spiritual sequel” to the iconic Ico, revolves around a young Wander who sets out on a mission to revive a girl named Mono. Wander must explore the Forbidden Land and defeat giant monsters to gain the resilience of Mono.

Many consider Shadow of the Colossus to be a game known for its innovative gameplay, overall environment, and intense emotions brought about by the story. Shadow of the Colossus, released in 2005, was restored to PlayStation 3 in 2011 and fully remade in 2018.

Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6

One of the best action & adventure video games in 2022 is Far Cry 6. Players visit the war-torn nation of Yara in Ubisoft’s latest Far Cry game. The Castillo family dominated the Yara population with an iron fist for many years. Anton Castillo, the current dictator, has begun to prepare his young son Diego Castillo for the responsibilities of leading the nation. Taking on the role of Dani Rojas, your goal is to liberate the nation and free it from Castillo’s control.

Rojas has access to a variety of weapons on the island that he can use against Castillo’s army. Yara is your playground of destruction, whether you use machine guns, rocket launchers, or animal friends known as Amigos. Even after you complete Far Cry 6, new enemy leaders will appear and try to gain control of different parts of the island. Don’t feel comfortable; The fight for control of Yara will never end in violence.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Since purchasing the exclusive rights to create the Star Wars video game from Disney in 2013, Electronic Arts’ success has been hit or not. With Star Wars Battlefront 2, the studio had to fight very hard with microtransactions that plagued the player base, but it seems they have learned from those mistakes with Jedi: Fallen Order.

About five years after the events of the Revenge of the Sith, this new adventure takes place after the rise of the Empire. Cal Kestis, a young Jedi on the run from the Rising Empire, is introduced to us in the video game. Cal was sought after by the Royal Inquisitions trained by Darth Vader after demonstrating his Force abilities. There are many environments in Jedi: Fallen Order that reward thorough investigation. EA said in August 2021 that the studio would continue to invest in the setting built for Jedi: Fallen Order.

Uncharted Series

Uncharted Series

With the development of Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter for the original PlayStation, Naughty Dog has become famous in all the best action & adventure video games. With the Uncharted series, the developer has maintained its expertise in video game creation. Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter, was originally introduced to us in the first installment of the series, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune.

Many have compared Drake to another famous adventurer, Indiana Jones, for his demeanor and obsession with exploration. According to rumors, the gameplay of the first Uncharted game was heavily influenced by Gears of War, to the point that the game’s release was postponed until the Xbox game’s release.

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy

Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy

After the failure of Marvel’s Avengers, Square Enix decided to try something new. The publisher decided against a direct service experience and instead produced Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy with the help of Eidos-Montreal. The linear experience that characterizes most single-player action & adventure video games will be included in this game, which has received more positive reviews than Avengers.

Guardians of the Galaxy are searching for a mysterious cult known as the Universal Church of Truth while taking control of Star-Lord. Although their leader, the Grand Unifier Raker, works to protect them, his goal is ultimately the same as any other villain: total domination. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is a condensed journey that takes you to some famous locales and where you come into contact with many famous people.

Batman Arkham Series

Batman Arkham Series

Superhero games based on current movies were very popular in the early days of console gaming. Action adventure games from the past, like Spider-Man 2, are still considered great to this day. But Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham Asylum, released in 2009, took the superhero adventure subgenre to the next level.

Batman attempted to detain runaway convicts at Arkham Asylum in the first game in the Arkham series, which introduced crusaders imprisoned in a darker environment. In Arkham City and Arkham Knight, the franchise expanded its setting to cover the entirety of Gotham, resulting in one of the most realistic video game universes to date. Batman, who is already one of the most popular superheroes in history, has seen his popularity grow thanks to the success and critical acclaim of the Arkham series.

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