The 5 Best Guns for Long Range in PUBG

In the battle royale game, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, shooting long distances is one of the most important skills to have. There are a number of guns that are well-suited for long-range shooting in the game, but which gun is the best for long-range shooting in PUBG? In general, the best guns for long range in PUBG are those that have high accuracy and good damage. Let’s find out with us!

What are the best guns for long range in PUBG?


AWM is the most powerful gun and also the best guns for long range in PUBG. Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum is the full name of this weapon. Many gamers want this hot hit weapon because it is always hard to find on the market.

AWM has the highest bullet speed and accuracy of any weapon in the game, in addition to having a horrific damage index of up to 132. . AWM boasts a potent combination of an 8x scope and a quiet sniper. If you have the best shooting position, you can use this combo to easily dispatch the whole opposing team.


As a result of its extreme potency, headshots and body shots with AWM can instantly kill an opponent wearing a level 3 vest. Long reload times and special ammunition are two of AWM’s main drawbacks.

The extremely low supply of ammunition is an issue with AWM. On the battlefield, this gun is likewise hard to come by; you can only find it by digging through the Airdrop crate. Besides. AWM’s bullet change time is also fairly significant, therefore players must understand how to align correctly.


The next name in the list of 5 best guns for long range in PUBG is none other than M24. This monster, M24, is usual when it has a dreadful amount of damage that is comparable to AWM, which is how power is measured. Its most effective range is between 120 and 150 meters, making it a potent medium and long range weapon.

Even with three helmets and three pieces of armor attached, the M24 can take down foes with just two shots, demonstrating its potency. Its predominance is explained by its ammo speed, ice change speed, and abundance of ammo (expandable up to 7). It deals an average of 72 points of damage and fires 7.62mm ammunition.


A compensator, a larger quick-draw magazine, and cheek cushions for additional stability are suggested add-ons for the M24. Its ammunition capacity rose from 5 rounds per magazine to 7 rounds per magazine with the aid of an enlarged quick-draw magazine.

The M24 rifle is only seldom found by players in relief boxes or other locations on the map, however the M24 rifle’s ammunition is always available. You might even knock it to the ground and take it out of the opponent’s hand. The M24’s drawbacks include being difficult to locate and having extremely loud shooting that makes it simple for players to give away their whereabouts.


The K98 is one of the most often used weapons in matches thanks to its power being on par with the M24 and the ease with which it can be located over much of the map. Therefore, it is also rated as one of the best guns for long range in PUBG.

A standard spawn weapon is a flash action sniper rifle called the K98. It fires 7.62mm ammo and deals 79 points of damage. The weapon virtually brings down foes and is one of the game’s hardest sniper guns to hit.


The great accuracy and long range of the K98, up to more than 500m, are its strengths. Eat 1 K98 in the head to instantly enter the board against foes wearing Hat 1 or Hat 2. I’ll also significantly reduce his health as well as the adversary with the three headgear. It can also be utilized in mid-range skirmishes despite being a gun that is designed for long-range battle.

The K98’s lengthy loading time and quick action animation time represent a considerable disadvantage. This makes the gap between shoots 1.9 seconds longer. The weapon is challenging to utilize at a distance and when enemies are moving because of its slow bullet speed.


A SLR will undoubtedly be owned by those who adore the DMR line of firearms. This weapon has exceptional destructive capability at medium and long ranges because of its quick fire rate and superior damage capacity. Due to its high level of destruction, SLRs are uncommon, making it difficult to obtain one.


The SLR is a superb cross between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. The SLR is a forgiving weapon that enables the player to utilize it to avoid body shots rather than only concentrating on headshots that are intended to kill. As a result, it’s a fantastic addition to player loading throughout the entire game.

A weapon from the DMR series, the SLR gun fires 7.62mm rounds. Although it was created later, this pistol is still favored among players since it deals the most damage, particularly in mid-range battle. The drawback of this weapon is that because to its low magazine capacity and high recoil, it will be challenging to finish an opponent from a distance.


The M416 is an extremely adaptable and mobile rifle. The most common and frequently used gun in bloody conflicts is this one, according to legend. So this is the reason it is in the top 5 best guns for long range in PUBG. For the majority of PUBG Mobile gamers, this 5.56mm assault rifle with a fast reload is their weapon of choice. This weapon is one of the most adaptable in the game thanks to the variety of mods that can be added to it.


Due to its extremely low recoil and enhanced control when firing automatically, the M416 is a fantastic weapon for mid-range combat. This weapon is perfect for reloading because to its adaptability and how common it is in the PUBG world.

The viewfinder, recoil reduction, and silencer are among the other equipment that players can use. A precise drying phase by the player will quickly dispatch foes when using an M416 gun with a scope. In mid-range warfare, this weapon is regarded as the most effective.

Ultimately, the best guns for long range in PUBG will depend on your play style and personal preferences. It’s important to choose a gun that you are comfortable with and that fits your play style, whether that means a bolt-action sniper rifle, a semi-automatic sniper rifle, or an assault rifle.

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